Edinburgh/Notebook/Ligation products

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<title>Edinburgh iGEM 2008</title>
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<li><a href="https://2008.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh" title="Home"><span>Home</span></a></li>
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<li><a href="https://2008.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh/Notebook" title="Notebook"><span>Notebook</span></a></li>
<li><a href="https://2008.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh/Results" title="Results" rel="dropmenu1_a"><span>Results</span></a></li>
<li><a href="http://partsregistry.org/cgi/partsdb/pgroup.cgi?pgroup=iGEM2008&group=Edinburgh" title="Parts" rel="dropmenu1_a"><span>BioBrick Parts</span></a></li>
<li><a href="https://2008.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh/Team" title="Team" ><span>The Team</span></a></li>
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<a href="https://2008.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh/Team">Overview</a>
<a href="https://2008.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh/Team">Step1</a>
<a href="https://2008.igem.org/Team:Edinburgh/Team">Step2</a>
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'''L1:''' Edinbrick1+''dxs'' (26.08.08)<br />
'''L1:''' Edinbrick1+''dxs'' (26.08.08)<br />

Revision as of 14:51, 28 August 2008

L1: Edinbrick1+dxs (26.08.08)
L2: Edinbrick1+appY (26.08.08)
L3: Babel1+glgC (26.08.08)
L4: Babel2+glgC (26.08.08)
L5: Edinbrick1+appY repeat (initially labelled L4 in error) (04.07.08)
L6: Self ligation of mutagenic PCR P6 (BABEL2+glgC-mut1). (07.07.08)
L7: Self ligation of mutagenic PCR P7 (BABEL2+glgC-mut2). (07.07.08)
L8: Ligation of synthetic ribosome binding site to M2 (pSB1A2+dxs, BBa_K118000). (09.07.08)
L9: Ligation of Edinbrick1 with crtB. (10.07.08)
L10: Ligation of Edinbrick1 with crtI (mutant lacking PstI sites, I hope). (10.07.08)
L11: repeat ligation of synthetic ribosome binding site to M2 (pSB1A2+dxs, BBa_K118000). (11.07.08: Yan, HX)
L12: rbs ligated with pSB1A2+appY (M15). (14.07.08)
L13 and L14: self ligations of P13 and P14 (BABEL2+glgC-mut1,2). (14.07.08)
L15: ligation of Edinbrick1 with rbs+dxs fusion PCR product (P12). (14.07.08) - Failed
L16: Ligation of Edinbrick1 with rbs+appY fusion PCR product (P15) (17.07.08) - Failed
L17: Ligation of rbs to pSB1A2+crtB (M36) (22.07.08: OG, Yan)
L18: Ligation of rbs to pSB1A2+crtI (M42) (22.07.08: OG, Yan)
L19: pSB1A2+rbs+dxs ligation product (From P12) (25.07.08: Yan, OG)
L20: pSB1A2+rbs+appY ligation product (From P15) (25.07.08: Yan, OG)
L21: pSB1A2+rbs+crtB ligation product (From P28) (25.07.08: Yan, OG)
L22: pSB1A2+rbs+crtI ligation product (From P29) (25.07.08: Yan, OG)
L23: pSB1A2+pZntA ligation product (From P31) (25.07.08: Yan, OG)
L24: Ligation of crtE to pSB1A2 (25.07.08: CF)
L25: Ligation of glgC-mut1,2 (P36) to Edinbrick1, (28.07.2008: AM)
L26: Ligation of P15 (rbs+appY) to Edinbrick1. (30.07.2008: HX)
L27: Ligation of P28 (rbs+crtB) to Edinbrick1. (30.07.2008: HX)
L28: Putative cenA ligated to Edinbrick1. (30.07.08: AM)
L29: Putative cex ligated to Edinbrick1. (30.07.08: AM)
L30: Self-ligation of P50 (3rd mutagenesis of glgC-mut1,2) (05.08.08: HX)
L31: Ligation of P36 (glgC-mut1,2, hopefully, could be P39) to Edinbrick1 (05.08.08: OG)
L32: Ligation of rbs+crtB (M67) to rbs+crtI+pSB1A2 (M50) to create pSB1A2+crtB+crtI (07.08.08: AM, Yan)
L33: Ligation of PcstA (P54) to Edinbrick1. (08.08.08: OG)
L34: Ligation of pSB1A2+rbs+dxs with rbs+crtE to make pSB1A2+dxs+crtE. (08.08.08: Yan)
L35: Ligation of pSB1A2+rbs+dxs with rbs+lims1 to make pSB1A2+dxs+crtE.(08.08.08: Yan)
L36: pSB1A2+crtY (P59 self-ligation). (09.08.08: CF)
L37: pSB1A2+rbs+crtY (P60 self-ligation). (09.08.08: CF)
L38: crtE+pSB1A2 (M79 into Edinbrick1) (12.08.08: AH)
L39: CeX into Edinbrick1 (13.08.08:YAN)
L40: CenA into Edinbrick1 (13.08.08:YAN)
L42: dxs+lims (M137) to appY (M82). (18.08.08: YAN)
L43: crtB+crtI (M109) to appY (M82). (18.08.08: YAN)
L44: pstA (M130) to lacB. (18.08.08: YAN)
L45: glgC mut 1+2 (M71A) to SOB2 (18.08.08: AM)
L46: glgC mut 1+2+3 (M71) to SOB2 (18.08.08: AM)
L47: glgC mut 1+2+3 (M72) to SOB2 (18.08.08: AM)
L48: Appy into dxs+lims (19.08.08 YAN)
L49: Appy into CrtBI (19.08.08 YAN)
L50: Self-ligation of P78 (SOB2-glgC mut 1+2) (20.08.08 AM)
L51: Self-ligation of P79 (SOB2-glgC mut 1+2+3) (20.08.08 AM)
L52: Self-ligation of P80 (SOB2-glgC mut 1+2+3) (20.08.08 AM)
L53: Self-ligation of P81 (SOB2-rbs-glgC mut 1+2) (20.08.08 AM)
L54: Self-ligation of P82 (SOB2-rbs-glgC mut 1+2+3) (20.08.08 AM)
L55: Self-ligation of P83 (SOB2-rbs-glgC mut 1+2+3) (20.08.08 AM)
L56: LacZ into PcstA (20.08.08 YAN)