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''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis. Proin rutrum risus ac metus. Nullam magna nibh, accumsan aliquam, pulvinar in, tempor eget, arcu. Nulla mi velit, molestie quis, scelerisque non, convallis volutpat, dui. Vivamus et pede. Cras sit amet pede. Duis eu purus sit amet augue varius congue. Nam condimentum, nulla pulvinar euismod tristique, purus erat pulvinar pede, non condimentum tortor justo ut pede. Pellentesque fringilla lacus placerat felis. Suspendisse dignissim tortor eget quam. Aenean ut felis. Proin dignissim, felis vitae commodo rhoncus, dui sapien tempor est, sodales pretium mauris enim nec quam. Sed odio odio, porttitor eu, pellentesque vitae, dignissim non, massa. Donec nulla velit, interdum nec, feugiat a, lobortis a, libero. Curabitur sagittis mi ac ligula. Mauris turpis erat, volutpat vel, condimentum eu, interdum id, massa. Phasellus ut mi.
''The University of Wisconsin - Madison has always been a leader in research, innovation, and education. With that reputation in mind, we have assembled a team that will compete in the iGEM competition at MIT this fall. The team is comprised of budding biochemists, genetecists, microbiologists and engineers alike. Our aim is to gain insight and knowledge in the field of genetic engineering. We also hope that in the process we will do something no one else had done before. This year, the Madison iGEM team has selected the ambitious topic of biofuels for their two projects. More information on these projects can be found on this site.

Revision as of 17:45, 19 June 2008

The University of Wisconsin - Madison has always been a leader in research, innovation, and education. With that reputation in mind, we have assembled a team that will compete in the iGEM competition at MIT this fall. The team is comprised of budding biochemists, genetecists, microbiologists and engineers alike. Our aim is to gain insight and knowledge in the field of genetic engineering. We also hope that in the process we will do something no one else had done before. This year, the Madison iGEM team has selected the ambitious topic of biofuels for their two projects. More information on these projects can be found on this site.


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