BL21 cells, containing the LacI-GFP, that were inoculated on thursday were not growing well as they were placed too long in the incubator
Regrew/Inoculate the BL21 cells at 5pm so that overnight growing of 16hrs would be acheived
Prepared 20 plates of agar containing Chloranphenicol and 20 plates of agar containing Kanamycin
Approached Phd students from BIE whom had experience in using the multiplate Fluroescene and luminescene reader
Varified the correct usage from the student, Zhang Zhengwen, who adviced on some slight modifications to the protocol set for the characterization experiment
Received the primer designs from 1st Base for: supD, T7ptag and direction checks for T7ptag as well as that for LsrA