Team:Paris/First page
Grosse GROSSE chatte
IntroductionWe hereby wish to present our ambitious BacteriO'Clock!
Synthetic biology is a new science, so we have to chance to set the base of synthetic biology. Hence our motto : Innovation! Therefore, we put a lot of efforts in proposing an original approach while building our system and analysing it.
Up to now, we managed to build biologically a system that is to behave as a FIFO, and designed the oscillatory system. We also foresaw improvments that would enhance our system performances, among which introducing a synchronization application. résultats biologiques
Promote the open and transparent development of tools for engineering biology we worked under the constraint that the research we carried would not content ourselves with proposing solutions for our system only. We are proud to propose three major approaches in that direction. First and foremost, we found prédire les comportements avec un minimum de données! and then use biological data to understand par ex shéma model->lab->model caractérisation akaike Enable the systematic engineering of biology + conception de protocoles systématiques, trouver des infos qui ne soient pas propres a notre propre systeme Construct a society that can productively apply biological technology projet bioplastiques//productivité+ pour l'industrie présentation de l'équipemultidisciplinaire donc différentes cultures enrichissantes! undergrad 20 personnes en alternances dou organisation liens vers notebook, frezer, oligos...sponsors |