Team:Hawaii/Notebook/2008-06- 5
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What we did today
Grace, Krystle, and Norman
- Made PCR gel
- 12g Agarose
- 12 ml 50X TAE
- 588 ml nanopure water
- 6 μl EtBr
- Transformed DH5α with PRL1383a using same protocol as competency test on 6/3/08
- Shaking at 235 rpm
- Plated on LB+sp plate
- E. coli from batch 2 (2-14) (OD600=0.3)
- GK and KS will read up on PCC6803 transformation tonight; transformation will be conducted tomorrow morning.
- Tomorrow afternoon, we will practice extracting BioBrick plasmids off filter paper.
- Also need to make TE tomorrow.
Quote of the day
"So Grace, what promoter are going use?"
"Um... my name is Krystle."
(an hour later, via Skype)
"Okay, see you all next week. Bye Grace... er... Margaret."
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