Grow BW and W3110 E coli with CoE7 plasmid on agar plates:
1 LBA plate, half for BW, half for W3110 (should have no bacteria growth)
1 LB plate, half for BW, half for W3110
Amplification of LacI-GFP ([ BBa_J04430]) and Terminator ([ BBa_B0015]) parts.
Overnight incubation at 37 degrees C of these 3 agar plates:
LB AmpR spread with 250ul cells with LacI-GFP plasmid.
LB AmpR spread with 125ul cells with Terminator plasmid.
LB KanR spread with 125ul cells with Terminator plasmid.
Inoculation of bacteria containing Colicin E7 plasmid (without AmpR) received from Taiwan. We inoculated the cells in 4 cryotubes, which were then put into 37 degrees incubator for overnight incubation:
2 tubes each containing 5ml LB broth with Ampicilin. (which we expect not to see any bacteria in the next morning)
2 tubes each containing 5ml LB broth without Ampicilin.