Alberta NINT/25 June 2008


Revision as of 21:09, 26 June 2008 by Jdamico (Talk | contribs)

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lab work (JD):

             Decided to try AGAIN to recreate K102007 but using older versions of K102005/B+N that seemed to be cut better when looking at gels and ligating them to the newly           annealed TA0/B+N (a combination I still haven't tried)
             Created K102007(1): K102005/B+N from June 18, and TA0/B+N newly annealed
             Created K102007(2): K102005/B+N from June 12 and TA0/B+N newly annealed
             Created K102006: K102003/B+N and TA0/B+N newly annealed
             Transformed XL1-B cells with the ligations and negative controls
             Plated cells

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