Team:KULeuven/22 July 2008
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Lab Work
Wet Lab
Today, the transformed bacteria arrived from MIT. These were plated out and will grow overnight. Five transformed bacteria (M30109, B0032, E0022, B0015 and R0084) were inoculated in liquid culture. Tomorrow, we will make a liquid culture and glycerol stock from the rest of them. The competent cells made on Friday seemed to have grown.
We managed our first day without Jonas...
Nick and Maarten worked on the cascade linking of the filter with the invertor. There are serious problems with linking these 2 parts: in a normal scenario there's an equilibrium between LuxR and the HSL_LuxR-complex in which the amount of LuxR is higher than the amount of the complex. This could be fixed by finetuning some parameters (decreasing/increasing some of the strengths of the promotors or the efficienties of the rbs'). But the main problem remains: in the equilibrium there's still a vast amount of LuxR which represses the transcription of ccdB-RNA so that celldeath can never take place.
Memory seems to fail, the promotor's strength is not high enough to keep the memory digital value to 0, thereby keeping the system in its off state when no light is shed on the system... eventually the memory will change its state to 1, light or not.
The modeling wiki has been worked on and under construction to make it readable to other teams. Current goal is to retrieve the information used to determine the parameters. Some have been updated, the parameters for the pulse generator and the inverter have been added...
A press notice was written and will soon be released.
The sun shines. Finally.