Team:BCCS-Bristol/Calendar-Notebook/15 July 2008


Revision as of 16:07, 24 July 2008 by Rodgerread (Talk | contribs)

Made SOC medium in preparation for Biobrick transformation this consisted of

Trypton 2g
Yeast Extract0.5g

in 95ml of water, then autoclaved. after this add this:

MgCl2 0.5ml 2M solution
Glucose2ml 1M

then freeze at -20oC. this solution is from Molecular Cloning 3 A.2 SOB/SOC Medium.

had a go at making wells as in the diagram (See below), needs diff glue. then put a blue dye in 0.3% agar (to represent aspartate) and an orange dye in 0.1% agar to represent the bacteria. took pictures at 30minute intervals. this was to see how long a chemotatic gradient would take to set up, however after 3 hours no gradient was obious so left iovernight.

Recorded motility comparison, turns out we messed up and tried to grow MG1655 on streptomycin, therefore we made a repeat of this experimen

BCCS Bristol-Wetlab-Well diagram.JPG