1. Spec the plasmid prep products: Place 10 samples into 10 separate plate wells. 11 wells total were used: 1st well was the control so it had 36uL of distilled water and 4uL of elution buffer (since want everything except DNA to be control group), then 2-11 wells had 1-10 plasmid prep products. 2-11 wells had 36uL of distilled water added and 4uL of plasmid prep products. Results:
a. (1) Lac I #1 = [DNA] ng/uL is 45, [DNA] ug/uL is 0.045 HIGH/GOOD
b. (2) Lac I = [DNA] ng/uL is 35, [DNA] ug/uL is 0.035 HIGH/GOOD
c. (3) Lac I = [DNA] ng/uL is 35, [DNA] ug/uL is 0.035 HIGH/GOOD
d. (4) BV:Lac #2 = [DNA] ng/uL is 10, [DNA] ug/uL is 0.001 LOW/POOR
e. (5) BV:Tet #1 = [DNA] ng/uL is 0, [DNA] ug/uL is 0.00 NONE/BAD
f. (6) BV:Tet #2 = [DNA] ng/uL is 5, [DNA] ug/uL is 0.005 LOW/POOR
g. (7) BV:Tet/p22 #1 =