Team:Alberta NINT/Notebook/catchall


Revision as of 14:52, 29 May 2008 by Jrodway (Talk | contribs)
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Thought that something like this might come in handy rather than hunting through emails or the calendar notebook for stuff like meeting times etc.
BTW meeting on next monday?


Computer Nonsense

If anyone needs a C++ compiler, I've been using Dev-C++ from Bloodshed software (, mainly because its free and the name sounds pretty cool.

Things I figure need to be looked at in order to make a few of the desired changes (a work in progress):


Line 30
Line 73 (add support for more sequences)

The OnSequenceEvents (we'll need another button or two or three, as well as to create the event handlers for them, which should theoretically be about the same as whats already there but with higher numbers)

Around line 273, the code checks to see if all the input sequences are alright, and that there are enough of them. Strangely enough, the program won't let you proceed from this point with only one sequence input.

Line 273 starts some interesting stuff, looks like this is where those I's get shoved between the sequences. I tried to shove the III into sequences before they are loaded, but the program doesn't like that too much. When using single strands, it locks up, and when trying it on bimolecular mode (one sequence with a group of I and the other without, theoretically giving you your trimolecular fold) it says that a sequence is unrecognizable.

Line 349 sets up the progress bar

Line 407, actual function call?

Anyways, somebody else should look at this, I'm probably out to lunch. Maybe we could try taking out the checks that cause it to say that a sequence is not recognizable, and see then we could see if would it do a bunch of bits that way (thus making the program a bit more usable for the purposes of the project, and providing a little more time to 'pretty it up')

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