

Revision as of 08:29, 20 August 2008 by Gracek (Talk | contribs)
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Things we did today

Wetlab work

RE test

  • Checked to see if RE are still active by cutting R0010 with EcoRI, XbaI, SpeI, and PstI individually
  • Ran on 2% agarose gel
  • R0010 was probably from a plasmid prep where cells did not lyse, i.e. no DNA in prep
  • Oops, forgot to run uncut plasmid as control
  • Set up new RE digest (w/ C0012) overnight to check enzymatic activity
  • Also checked EcoRI enzyme in TKW box of lab freezer

Verification of transformants

EtBr stained 2% agarose gel ran at 95V for 1 hour. Thirty microliters of RE digest and ten microliters of PCR reaction were loaded into each lane.
  • Plasmid prep of BB-pRL1383a+J33207 plasmid to verify replacement of GFP with J33207 (lac device)
  • PCR of BB-pRL1383a+J33207 plasmid preps
  • Negative = water
  • Positive = BB-pRL1383a
  • Ran on 2% agarose gel
  • No replacement of GFP; enzymes didn't cut?

Drylab Work

Updated project descriptions on wiki



Quote of the Day

What?!? Grrr...... - Krystle

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