Team:Alberta NINT/Notebook/catchall


Revision as of 17:19, 22 August 2008 by Sdeane (Talk | contribs)

Alberta NINT logo long.jpg


General Announcements

Weekly meetings are Thursdays 5:30 pm sharp in CSC 2-49 from now until ... forever.

Anybody run across this in their internet travels? We're not really the target audience I think, but it doesn't hurt to look


Computer Nonsense

UNAFold and RNAstructure don't really seem to agree when bimolecular folds are used. UnW00t.

Wiki things

I drew up a new version of our Logi-col[i] friend. Now all I need is some advice on whether it is possible to color him in on the computer and if so, how to do it. Here he is:
Alberta NINT logi-coli friend.jpg===========> Alberta NINT logicoli.jpg
I thought I had a good picture in my mind of what it was supposed to look like before I went and drew it up, but I guess not. I have the photoshop file with all the layers preserved, so changing things should be relatively easy.

Aww yay! -SD

Science/Lab stuff