Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/1 August 2008


Revision as of 22:30, 8 October 2008 by Emilia (Talk | contribs)

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Michał K.

  1. Transformation of E. coli TOP10 strain with ligations (pACYC177+OmpA_alpha + deltaA and pACYC177+OmpA_omega + deltaA).
  2. Transformants plating on LB + kanamycin.

Checking whether degradation of the fusions with OmpA is caused by lon iompt proteases (present in TOP10)

Test was conducted in E.coli Rosetta strain expressing omp_omega_A_alfa (with and without induction) and omp_A_alfa.

  1. Spinnign
  2. Suspending
  3. Adding of lysis buffer
  4. Boiling
  5. Putting into poliacrylamide gel
  6. Transfer onto nitrocellulose
  7. Blocking
  8. Anti-A antibody binding
  9. Washing
  10. Anti-rabbit antibody binding
  11. Developing with BCIP and NBT

[photo of the gel is to be placed here]

We didn't observe differences in espression and degradation in Rosettas nor in TOP10. Therefore we suppose that degradation of the fusions is caused by other factor than lon iompt proteases.