Team:Alberta NINT/Notebook/catchall


Revision as of 20:08, 11 June 2008 by Sdeane (Talk | contribs)
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Home The Team The Project Bits and Pieces Modeling Notebook


General Announcements

Weekly meetings Mondays 5:30 pm sharp in CSC 2-49 from now until ... forever.


Computer Nonsense

"Found" a copy of visual studio to try compiling the source code with. Gives stranger errors than previous compilers have. Emailed Dave Matthews to ask about it as per the note in this weeks meeting minutes.

Things are not looking good. IMO there is a very real possibility that this may not get done at all/in time to be of any use. Hope springs eternal and whatnot tho I guess. -James

Wiki things

I hate the color scheme for the notebook calendars. Does someone want to put in the google calendar (but don't delete the old calendars until we've moved over the lab work notes..) or change the colors? I don't know how... -Shannon

Science/Lab stuff