

Revision as of 18:22, 15 October 2008 by Gracek (Talk | contribs)
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Things we did today

Wetlab work

Construction of secretion device (cont.)

EtBr stained 2% agarose gel ran at 60V for 2 hours. Thirty microliters of RE digested DNA were loaded into each well.
  • Ran RE digests on gel
  • Extracted rgt1 and prpgt5 from gel
  • Ligated:
  • prpgt5 + BBpRL1383a-1
  • nir + rgt1 + BBpRL1383a-1
  • plac + rgt1 + BBpRL1383a-1
  • nrsg6 (from 10/11) + BBpRL1383a-1
  • J33207 + pRL1383a

Drylab Work

Sequencing analysis

  • prpgt, nrsg, sgt, and pgt sequences all returned inserts of E. coli genomic DNA instead of desired construct


Quote of the Day

History is the only laboratory we have in which to test the consequences of thought. - Étienne Gilson

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