| Alexandra Bouaziz
| Philippe Bouaziz
| pharmacochemistry and physicochemistry (nanotechnology)
Background: [http://www.biochimie.univ-paris7.fr/master/home.html Master SPGF Paris diderot] Undergrad Student Interests: reading ,subaquatique sport ,art,participating in oenologie club Paris 5 descartes
| Background: [http://www.mms.master.univ-paris7.fr/web/ Master MMS] and [http://www.aiv-paris.org/fr/master-aiv/ Master AIV] Undergrad Student Interests: reading, molecular gastronomy, architecture and making Fanny crazy
| Guillaume Bouchard
| Fanny Caffin
| Molecular and Cellular Biology
Background: [http://www2.ac-lyon.fr/etab/lycees/lyc-69/lyjperrin/index.html Lycée Jean-Perrin de Lyon] High School Student Member of [http://www.scienceacademie.org/ Science Academie] Interests: Astronomy
| Background: [http://master.univ-cancerologie.net/ Master Cancérologie] Interests: Biology, but also drawing, photography, reading... and obviously : kick the butt of Philippe
| Benoît d'Hayer
| Audrey Desgrange
Genetics and Pharmacy
| Biology
Background: [http://www.pharmacie.univ-paris5.fr/ Pharmacy] [http://www.univ-paris5.fr/ Paris Descartes] [http://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/magisteregenet/ Master Européen de Génétique] Interests: Oenology
| Background : [http://www.ices.fr/ ICES] Sophomore Student Interests: Dance, Chocolate, Physiology, Genetics
| Ana Jimenez
| Cyprien Maisonnier
| Biology
Background: Biology [http://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/ Paris Diderot] [http://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/magisteregenet/ Master Européen de Génétique] Interests: (Ana)
| Background: [http://www.ens.fr/ Ecole Normale Supérieure] Undergrad Student ([http://www.biologie.ens.fr/ Molecular Biology and Genetics]) Interests: Synthetic Biology, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Oenococcus oeni and Penicillium roqueforti
| Kok-Phen Yan
Biology and Biochemistry
Background: [http://www.master.bmc.upmc.fr/ Master BMC] (Molecular and Cellular Biology, specialized in Biochemistry) and [http://www.mastbio.ens.fr/ ENS] Interests: music, languages