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Lab Protocols

Key Elements of the Central Dogma of cloning

1. Restriction Digest

2. Making a DNA Agarose Gel

3. Gel extraction

4. DNA quantity assessment

5. Ligation

6. Cell Transformation

7. Seeding method

8. DNA Extraction: Mini-, Midi-, Maxiprep

Lab Progress

May 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008

June 2nd, 2008:

    Growth of I-brick on culture
    Midi-prep of both I and J brick followed by gel
    Gel indicates no presence of DNA, will be confirmed by spectrophotometric assay

June 3rd, 2008:

    Seeding of 5mL cultures of both I and J brick
    Identity of colonies on I brick plates is suspect, must ensure that eventual DNA gel confirms exact restriction digest

June 4th, 2008:

    Midiprep was done on the I and the J-brick. Once the isopropanol was added, the J-brick midiprep looked clear (no DNA was eluted). DNA gel needs to be done to confirm presence of DNA in both cases.

June 9th, 2008:

    Seeded J and I-brick re-seeded for Maxi-Prep
    Gel failed to confirm presence of previously collected DNA samples of J and I-brick, will be repeated following Maxi-Prep.

June 10th, 2008:

    Since no growth was observed in the I-brick culture, the I brick was re-seeded.
    The J-brick was diluted in 500-ml of LB broth(for a Maxiprep to be done the next day).

June 11th, 2008:

    Maxiprep of the J-brick.
    Restriction digest of J-brick.
    Dilution of I-brick in 500-ml of LB broth.

June 12th, 2008:

    Maxiprep of the I-brick.
    Restriction digest and gel of June 11th and June 12th I-brick and J-brick DNA using EcoR1. Bands revealed at roughly 4000bp and 2500bp for I-brick (expected 2652bp and 3939bp). J brick single band that was not informative, new digestion to be completed tomorrow.

June 16th, 2008:

    I-brick was seeded and diluted over last two days, but there was insufficient growth so it will be left to grow one more day before performing another midi-prep. This is to compliment the already successful Maxi-Prep that gave low concentrations of DNA.
    Another gel was performed of previous J-brick preps that confirmed the absence of the desired plasmid, no DNA was detected when digested with EcoR1.
    J-brick was re-transformed into TOP10 chemically competent cells and then plated on Amp+ plates.<ul/></p>