Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/1 July 2008


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Change of the reporter from pZC320 with B-galactosidase to GFP or RFP

Piotr, Weronika

  1. Isolation of plasmids from transformants.
  2. Control digest of plasmids with NotI.
  3. Gel electrophoresis of digested DNA - there where no proper plasmids
  4. Isolation of pZC320
  5. Isolation of pSB1A2 standard plasmids carrying parts: BBa_E0840(GFP genetrator) and BBa_J04450 (RFP generator)
  6. Overnight digest of pSB1A2 standard plasmids carrying parts: BBa_E0840(GFP genetrator) and BBa_J04450 (RFP generator) with NotI
  7. Overnight digest of pZC320 with NotI and dephosphorylation with CIAP

Cloning alpha-A and omega-A fusions on pKS

Michał L., Ewa, Marcin

  1. Isolation of plasmids from transformants.
  2. Control digest of plasmids with SacI+NotI (BamHI buffer).
  3. Gel electrophoresis of digested DNA.

We have successfully cloned A-alpha and A-omega fusions on pKS vector. The DNA will be now sequenced to ensure that our constructs are correct.

Preparation of constructs with OmpA protein fusions


  1. Isolation of pET15b plasmid.
  2. Overnight digest of pET15b plasmid with NdeI and BamHI (Tango 2x buffer), dephosphorylation with CIAP.