Team:Hawaii/Biobricks extraction & transformation competency test


Revision as of 07:21, 12 June 2008 by Normanwang (Talk | contribs)



  1. Is the small amount of transformants we got on our "Initial BioBrick Plasmid Extraction From Filter Paper" experiment due to the low concentration of DNA from the filter paper or the low competency of our cells?
  2. How competent are our DH5α cells compared to commercial quality competent cells?


The same protocol as "Initial BioBrick Plasmid Extraction From Filter Paper" was used.

  • Filter paper was smashed up really well in 7 μl TE.
  • Competency of our DH5α cells was compared to StrataCloneTM competent cells.
  • Concentration of DNA on filter paper was estimated by transforming with pUC18 (.1 ng/μg) and comparing colony counts
  • Cells were shaken at 200rpm.
  • 1/1 and 1/10 dilutions were plated.


<please add description of what we are seeing here

<colony count TBD on 6/11/08>
