Team:KULeuven/Model/Cell Death


Revision as of 09:48, 22 July 2008 by Avdmeers (Talk | contribs)


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<div id="ddnav" align="center">
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Cell Death

Cell Death
Parameter values Cell Death
Name Value Comments Reference
Degradation Constants
dLuxR 0.0010 s-1
dLuxR_HSL 0.0010 s-1 Complex of HSL and LuxR degrades, giving back HSL
dRNA_LuxR 0.00227 s-1 link
dCcdB 7.7E-5 s-1 link
dRNA_CcdB 0.00231 s-1 link
dHSL 1.02E-6 s-1 link
Association/Dissociation/Reaction Rates
kass (HSL+LuxR) 1E6 s-1 Association constant of HSL with LuxR. Chosen to be relatively (to the other rate constants) high and such that Kdiss (HSL + LuxR) equals 1-6
kdiss (HSL+LuxR) 1 s-1 Dissociation rate of the HSL-LuxR complex
kass (HSL+lactonase) 1E6 s-1 Association constant of HSL with lactonase
kdiss (HSL+lactonase) 446.5 s-1 Dissociation rate of the HSL-lactonase complex
kcat (HSL:hydroxy-acid) 29 s-1 Catalytic transformation of HSL to an hydroxy-acid, lactonase is the enzyme
Dissociation Constants
HSL-LuxR 1E-6 M/L link
KLuxR 1E-9 M/L Binding LuxR on LuxPromotor link
Hill cooperativity
Transcription Rates
LuxR (constitutive promotor) 0.025 mRNA/s see sections on Constitutive Promotors & E. coli transcription Rates
CcdB (LuxR repressor) k_1*K_m^n/(K_m^n + [LuxR]^n) = 0.025*1E-9/(1E-9^1+[LuxR])