Team:Paris/July 17


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Results of the transformations

  • Biobricks 2007

Legende :

  • few , medium, a lot --> description of the number of CFU(Colony forming unit) produce by the transformation
  • A: Ampicilin, K: Kanmycin
Ref. Book Plasmid Antibio Plate 2007 Results
positive control A 2.400 CFU
negative control A 0 CFU
2E_SP 1000 B0034 A 3O P1 few
10F_SP 1001 R0079 A 19N P1 medium
4F_SP 1013 C0079 K 7K P2 few
6H_SP 1001 C0179 A 6H P1 medium
6B_SP 1001 S03154 A 24K P1 No transformation
10F_SP 1002 J23101 A 21G P3 a lot
11F_SP 1002 J23109 A 23G P3 a lot
4C_SP 1000 R0040 A 7O P1 2 CFU
2G_SP 1000 C0040 A 5C P1 No transformation
1C_SP 1008 PSB1A3 A 23E P1 few
7G_SP 1013 E1010 K 15M P2 medium
7E_SP 1001 E0040 A 5H P1 2 CFU
2F_SP 1016 E0030 K 7G P1 a lot