Brown: Team Resistance/16 July 2008
16 July 2008Kate and Neil began the PCR while I was in class Made a 1/100 dilution of pVJ4 Once culture reached OD of 0.018,I began concentrating the culture for testing Concentrated 10mL of culture 7x (used all the culture we had); 5mL +arabinose, 5mL control Final OD of concentrated solution: 0.289 of mid-log culture Will have to run the test experiment and the control experiment in succession since our system currently can only measure one plate at a time Began testing: 1:35pm Comparison resistor: 4.652kΩ Amplification: 1000 V(output): 0.2V At 3:30pm → no change in resistance The culture also did not get clear, like we usually see when cells lyse However, because solution is concentrated, DNA and proteins are going to prevent the solution from getting clear Decided to let the test run overnight to see if any change occurs Tomorrow:
Possible reason of why it doesn’t work with a concentrated solution is because the DNA and proteins seem to be scaffolding onto the electrodes and interfering with resistance readings |