Peter's Profile


Peter's Specs
.:: Freshman ::.

Interests: science, sleep, wasting time
Birthplace: Madison, WI ... Furthest traveled: California
Ethnic Dish: jell-o ... Store: grocery store
Class: science ... Musician: Undeclared
This or Thats...
Paper or Plastic? paper ... Soda or pop? water
Gatorade or Powerade? water ... Heads or tails? heads
One place in the world to go to: Alaska
$5 at a gas station: keep the $5
Dinner with historical character: Calvin/Hobbes
First memory: planting potatoes with grandfather and hearing that the fence was there to "keep the damn raccoons out"
Two truths and a lie:
1) The second truth is a lie
2) The third truth is a lie
3) The first truth is a lie
