Team:Hawaii/Meeting/2008-06- 2


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Present: Dr. Presting, Grace, Krystle, Margaret, Norman

  1. Proposals
    1. Draft due Thurs. 6/5
    2. Identify problem/question, history of the topic, value of your project
  2. Primers
    1. Dr. Presting suggests that we synthesize primers that are specific for the start/end of our desired PCR product rather than use Primer3 suggestions (avoid additional undesired nucleotides in product)
    2. Test primers, then go back to Primer3 if things don't work as expected
  3. CO2 incubator
    1. Krystle working on making a CO2 incubator to be placed in temperature gradient incubator
    2. Growth w/o CO2 incubator possible, but will take twice as long to form colonies (4 weeks, as opposed to 2 weeks w/ CO2
    3. Test heterotrophic growth by adding glucose to growth media
      1. May not need CO2 incubator if this works and we're not working with photosynthesis-related processes

Action Items

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