

Revision as of 20:11, 29 October 2008 by Gracek (Talk | contribs)
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Things we did today

Wetlab work

Antibiotic Test, round 2

EtBr stained 2% agarose gel ran at 95V for 1 hour. Three microliters of PCR product were loaded into each lane.
Colony Count of J33207+pRL1383a Transformants
Plate Cells Colonies Blue?
LB+Amp100X-gal (+) control J33207 in pSB1A2 in DH5α too many to count, medium yes
LB+sp100X-gal (+) control BBpRL1383a-1 (10/25 inoculation plasmid prep) in DH5α too many to count, small no
LB+X-gal (+) control untransformed DH5α lawn/smear no
LB+sp2.5+X-gal (-) control untransformed DH5α 0 no
LB+sp100 (-) control untransformed DH5α 0 no
LB+sp2.5 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α lawn/smear no
LB+sp5 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α lawn/smear no
LB+sp10 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α lawn/smear no
LB+sp20 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α lawn/smear no
LB+sp25 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α lawn/smear no
LB+sp40 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α too many to count, small no
LB+sp50 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α too many to count, small to medium no
LB+sp75 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α too many to count, small to medium no
LB+sp100 J33207+pRL1383a ligation in DH5α too many to count, small to medium no
  • Colony PCR of J33207, BB-1, and sp75, 100transformants

Drylab Work

Project page

  • Updated materials, methods and results for Project Part B.


Quote of the Day

History is the only laboratory we have in which to test the consequences of thought. - Étienne Gilson

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