

Revision as of 10:35, 27 August 2008 by Zeunas (Talk | contribs)

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Pictogram filter.png



Position in the system

The filter is positioned immediately after the input, because its job is to filter out possible noise signals or background signals that aren't caused by the "desease". It is the starting piece of the whole system, situated before the invertimer- and the reset-subsystem.

Describing the system

see also: Project:Filter

Filter BioBrick.jpg



Parameter values Filter
Name Value Comments Reference
Degradation rates
dpT7_tag 0.00155 s-1 tag added to speed up degradation of otherwise too stable T7 polymerase [ link]
dmRNA_RIBOKEY 0.00462 s-1 [ link]
dclosed_mRNA_T7 0.00462 s-1 [ link]
dopen_mRNA_T7 0.00231 s-1 [ link]
dopen_mRNA_T7_complex 0.00231 s-1 [ link]
Equilibrium constants
Keq_1 0,015 [M] closed and open mRNA, derived from experiments [ link]
Keq_2 0.0212 [M] closed and key unlocked mRNA complex, derived from experiments [ link]
Rate constants
kdis 100 s-1 derived from experimental values
kcomplex 57 s-1 derived from experimental values
Transcription rates
TetR_var_transcr_rate p(TetR) dependent (RiboKey) between 5E-5 and 0.0125 s-1 ~ [aTc]
kmRNA_T7 0,0011 s-1

Remark: The key-lock system has been enhanced to 0.3%-14% (todo: new parameters will be added in a new overview)