23 June 2008
Update Meeting with Professor Wessel, Adrian, Diana, Team Limiter
- To create apparatus, consider talking to Ed Mullen in Biomed Machine Shop
- Contact Jill Kreiler in Microbiology (Imaging Faciltiy)
- Better to use copper wire rather than steel because it has a more constant resistance
Test if the ions are what is causing change in resistance! (means of linking our novel results to something that is already proven)
- Voltage sensitive dyes?
- Refractometry?
Meeting with Professor Jerry Daniels
Lent us:
- Breadboard (2)
- Labview CD-rom
- PCI-6024E
- Connection board
- Connection cable
- Be aware that every solder connection that we make and temperature will affect our readings
- Use an AC current (high voltage sinusoidal current)
- Mix solution during lysis
In terms of what causes our resistance change
- Volume change before and after lysis?
- Fewer large particles in way of electrodes (whole cells) after the cells burst so there is less resistance→ would help us
- 22 gauge solid core hook-up wire in bread board
- gold/silver chloride electrodes (can get from Grass Telefactor)