Team:KULeuven/1 September 2008


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Lab Work

Wet Lab

We did a lot of PCRs today. We tried to add the second part of the UmuD tag with the 91bp-primer. We had very sharp and extremely beautiful bands, but they seemed three times too long: FAIL. This will be done again tomorrow, with primers 2.1 and 2.2. The antisense LuxI PCR resulted in a smear: FAIL again. To be done again tomorrow. We also did a PCR to test the ligations.

We miniprepped the ligations we streaked out yesterday and part [ R1052] and [ R0040]. It's the second time we miniprep R1052 and the concentrations was two times very low. The registry shows that there are a few problems with this part.

We made some digests: [ C0056] and [ C0061] with SpeI and PstI and [ R0040] with SpeI and EcoRI. We couldn't see R0040 on gel and C0056 seemed to be too big, only C0061 was ok. We purified C0061 and C0056.

We made a ligation of [ C0061]+[ B0015] (cut with PstI instead of EcoRI).

Dry Lab



Latex-tool... Multi-cell...


Components section has been updated further. Also the modeling section is getting some new lines and graphics ...