Team:KULeuven/28 July 2008


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Lab Work

Wet Lab

Today we tried to cut [ I714891] again, but it didn't work. There can be something wrong with the prefix and the suffix. This is also what's on the quality control page of the registry. Alternatively, we can use the GFP with LVA-tag (present in the lab), but then we need primers to attach the prefix and the suffix.

The fragments that ligated during the weekend were transformed into competent TOP10 cells using the iGEM protocol and the CMPG protocol.

The parts for the filter and the inverter were inoculated (liquid culture).

We put the cells of the transduction on plates and let them grow overnight.

Dry Lab


Primers, primers, primers. Seeking for the exact nature of the EnvZ::KmR mutation we transduced.


Great news: the first cycle of modeling is completely finished and everything works as presumed! We retrieved some parameters for the cell death mechanism (thanks to Tokyo 2007) and this worked out just fine. Dries finished his new memory piece and we integrated this into the latest partial model. (The results of the simulation can be found in the modeling section.)


Searching to expand the dropdown menu to have collapsable containers in the submenu's, keeping it user-friendly and ordered. Was hard... trying out jQuery now.