Team:KULeuven/18 August 2008


Revision as of 16:27, 11 October 2008 by BNathalie (Talk | contribs)
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Lab Work

Wet Lab

Gel 1: PCR product of K145151 and K145013
Gel 2: Digest of B0015 and F1610 with Xba I

We did some PCRs with pfx polymerase to prepare the following (new) BioBricks: K145014 (T7 polymerase with UmuD), K145013 (antisense LuxI) and K145151 (ccdB). The templates and primers used were, respectively, PCR of step 1 with 1077/1079, BBa_F1610 with 1100/1101, BBa_P1010 with 1127/1128. Only the PCR of ccdB succeeded. (see Gel 1).

We made a few digests: F1610 and B0015 were cut with EcoRI and XbaI (see Gel 2), and J23100+B0032 and R0062+B0032 were cut with EcoRI and SpeI.

We electroporated the following ligated parts: C0040+B0015 , K145015+B0015, C0012+B0015 and C0060+B0015.

We continued ligating: J23116+B0032 , K145001+pSB1A2, R0040+B0032, R0040+J23022, R0084+B0032, K145001+B0015 and (R0084+J23022)+(J23109+J23032). This time, B0032 was first dephosphorylated.

Dry Lab


Association and dissociation rates have been reinvestigated (HSL with LuxR), wrong values have been removed, LuxR autoactivation has been further incorporated; we've also included diffusion of HSL.


Small updates for the wiki: adjusting pictograms, home page, ...

Started defining a global css, intermediate result here: Team:KULeuven/Zandbak/Global
