Team:KULeuven/20 August 2008


Revision as of 16:47, 11 October 2008 by BNathalie (Talk | contribs)
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Lab Work

Wet Lab

Ligations C0060+B0015, C0040+B0015, C0012+B0015 and K145015+B0015 were miniprepped, but were mixed up, so have to be redone. They were cut with XbaI anyway, but we couldn't see anything on the gel (??). Colonies were re-inoculated in liquid medium to grow overnight and to be miniprepped again tomorrow.

We tried to put K145001 (T7 polymerase without tag) into a vector using TOPO TA cloning. We did this because the previous attempts to put this part into a pSB1A2 vector failed.

We performed a PCR on the Klenow mix of the end-filling (part K145150) with primers 1129 and 1130. There were no bands, so it failed. We also tried to digest this mixture and ligate it into a pSB1A2 vector (without purifying the mixtures first). Hopefully we'll have colonies tomorrow.

We set up some ligations: J23116+B0032, R0040+B0032, R0011+F1610 and K145151+pSB1A2.