Team:KULeuven/Model/Kinetic Constants


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Kinetic Constants

ETHZ list of parameters

  • [ ETHZ list of parameters]

mRNA decay

  • [ Global analysis of mRNA decay and abundance in Escherichia coli at single-gene resolution using two-color fluorescent DNA microarrays]


  • [ Initiation of Transcription by T7 RNA Polymerase at Its Natural Promoters]
  • [ Kinetic and Thermodynamic Basis of Promoter Strength: Multiple Steps of Transcription Initiation by T7 RNA Polymerase Are Modulated by the Promoter Sequence]
  • [ data T7 team Tsinghua 2007]
  • [ Transient State Kinetics of Transcription Elongation by T7 RNA Polymerase]
  • [ Single molecule studies of T7 RNA polymerase]

LacI - LuxI

  • [ Coupled repressilators]
  • [ A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators]

LuxI, LuxR, mRNALuxI, mRNALuxR decay

  • [ Noise-induced cooperative behavior in a multicell system]
  • [ LuxI kinetics]

HSL stuff

  • [ Rapid Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Quorum Signal Biodegradation in Diverse Soils] Fig 6: half-life 185 h ==> decay rate 1.02 * 10^-6 s^-1 ==> 0.00889 nM/h
  • [ Kinetics of the AHL Regulatory System in a Model Biofilm System]
  • [ HSL lactone synthesis kinetics by a LuxI-related enzyme]
  • [ Lactonase mediated HSL degradation (hydrolysis)]


  • [ AHL diffusion model]
  • [ AHL diffusion constants & stuff]

OmpR, OmpF

  • [ A simulation model of Escherichia coli osmoregulatory switch using E-CELL system] (Relevance: High), bekijk pg.11/13
  • [ Transcription Regulation of ompF and ompC by a Single Transcription Factor, OmpR] (Relevance: Medium)
  • [ Transmembrane Signal Transduction and Osmoregulation in Escherichia coli: Functional Importance of the Transmembrane Regions of Membrane-Located Protein Kinase, EnvZ] (Relevance:?), geen toegang tenzij account
  • [ DNA-Binding Properties of the Transcription Activator (OmpR) for the Upstream Sequences of ompF in Escherichia coli Are Altered by envZ Mutations and Medium Osmolarity] (Relevance: Low)
  • [ A Distant Upstream Site Involved in the Negative Regulation of the Escherichia coli ompF Gene] (Relevance: ?), voor repressor regulatie van OmpF door OmpR
  • [ micF Antisense RNA Has a Major Role in Osmoregulation of OmpF in Escherichia coli] (Relevance: Low), invloed 'Antisense RNA' op OmpF regulatie, hmm...

Psid met P2ogr promotor

  • [ Cambridge amplifier project, combinatie van verschillende promotoren met verschillende activatoren, experimenteel amplification factor bepaald met GFP reporter]
  • [ Psid promotor with different activators]

Constitutive promoters

  • Estimated transcription rate for J23105:[]
  • Scale other transcription rate with table in parts registry.
  • Estimate the rate of transcription from a constitutive promotor family member.
Estimates for the rate of transcription from the constitutive promotor family members. X is the GFP fluorescence in arbitrary units according to the Registry. Y is the number of mRNA's produced per second from that promotor

E. coli transcription rates

[ Paper about the calculated transcription rates for every E.coli ORF]
[ Tables with the calculated transcription rates for every E.coli ORF]