Team:KULeuven/22 August 2008


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Lab Work

Wet Lab

Gel with the PCR products of the transduction, apparently we used to much template

We made digests (with EcoRI and SpeI) of the following ligations: R0040+J23022, R0084+B0032, R0084+J23022+J23109+J23032 and K145001. After that, these digests were put on gel. They seemed to have been cut properly, but when we purified these parts from the gel the concentrations were very low.

We also did some PCRs to construct BioBrick K145014 (T7 polymerase with UmuD tag) and to test the transduction, both PCRs failed. The PCR to test the transduction was set up again, now with less template.

We started a few ligations (the ones that failed before): C0060+B0015, C0040+B0015, C0012+B0015, K145015+B0015, K145001+B0015 and R0040+J23032.

We miniprepped K145151+B0015.

Dry Lab

We had a very good meeting today, decided upon some things. For instance that M30109, the light receptor, goes.


Stochastic modeling and cutting the big model up into it's parts for re-testing :)


Official super duper release of wiki homepage and global style, but needs fixes to match with annoying IE browser. Picture gallery fixes will have to wait.


Tippenvulwedstrijd: Hanne: 1 min 29! Getting better!