Team:KULeuven/4 August 2008


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Lab Work

Wet Lab

Competent cells were inoculated and prepared for electroporation with the folowing ligation products: [ C0040]+[ B0015], [ J23109]+[ J23032], [ I712074]+[ J23032], [ E0022]+[ B0015], [ P1010]+[ B0015], [ C0060]+[ B0015], [ C0062]+[ B0015], [ R0084]+[ B0032], [ J23100]+[ B0032]. The electroporation was performed and hopefully we will have transformed cells tomorrow.

We continued to make the GFP-LVA Biobrick ([ K145015]). The PCR product was put on gel and purified. It gave nice results, so the PCR worked well. Tomorrow we will cut it with EcoRI and SpeI.

We made electrocompetent cells and tested them with pUC. Tomorrow we'll see if they're any good. A glycerolstock of the cells has been stored in the -80° freezer.

Dry Lab

Dries and Jonas started work on the Dr. Coli logo.


We've made a phase plot of the memory to prove the existence of two distinct basins of attraction. Nick has looked into multi-cell interactions (multi-agent systems) a bit. Conclusion is that it might be a bit out of our scope.

Also decided to ignore cell division for now. The memory appears sufficiently stable to be passed on to the cells offspring. We suspect that the quantitites of our proteins and mRNA's should remain relatively stable.