This section gives all the details about the implementation of the "Characterization Approach".
Parameters Finder Programsthe dataThe experimental data consist typically in two tables, X_data (various concentrations of the transcription factor) and Y_data (corresponding output values).
Parameters Finder for our ExampleWe just show hereby the annoted program find_FP.m that is used to estimate, for instance, the parameters in :
All AlgorithmsWe present here all the algorithms used in the whole "Characterization Approach". First, the pages about the "prior characterization", needed to leads all the others : ↓ Prior for Characterization ↑
Then, the pages with the programs of complete Characterization : ↓ Parameters Finders ↑
Finally, all the others algorithms, that are involved in the previous programs, and the final simulating program : ↓ The Global Model ↑