

Revision as of 18:33, 16 August 2008 by AnaJimenez (Talk | contribs)


PCR products

PCR products
Number Name Oligo F Oligo R Template Length Comments Product Left ? []µg/µL Date
PCR124 pFlgA O100 O101 - 261pb yes 0.5 August 7
PCR125 pFlgB O102 O103 - 261pb yes 0.5 August 7
PCR126 pFlhB O108 O109 - 260pb yes 0.5 August 7
PCR127 flhDC O131 O132 MG1655 no August 8
PCR128 OmpR* O138 O139 Strain OmpR* 700pb yes 150 August 8
PCR129 EnvZ O126 O127 Strain EnvZ* 1400pb yes 100 August 8
PCR130 E0240 rbs+ O141 O140 MP143 900pb no August 11
PCR131 flhD rbs- O132 O133 MG1655 350pb no August 11
PCR132 pFlhD rbs- O130 O131 MG1655 600pb no August 11
PCR133 flhDC + prom O110 O131 MG1655 1300pb no August 11
PCR134 flhDC + prom O111 O131 MG1655 no August 11
PCR135 pfliL O124 O125 MG1655 yes August 11
PCR136 pFlhDC O110 O113 MG1655 yes August 11
PCR137 pFlhDC O 111 O 113 MG1655 yes August 11
PCR138 FlhDC (RBS -) O 131 O 132 MG 1655 yes August 15
PCR139 pflhDC (URI) O 110 O 113 PCR 130 yes August 15
PCR140 flhDC (RBS -) O 131 O 132 PCR 130 yes August 15

Plasmids: MiniPrep Products

Plasmids: MiniPrep Products 2008
Number Name Biobricks Description Products in use Date
MP100 [ B0034 ] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.png Strongest RBS (Efficiency = 1) July 26
MP101 [ J23101] in [ pJ61002 ] Part icon regulatory.png Strongest Constitutive promoter July 26 July 22, July 23, July 26
MP102 [ J23109] in [ pJ61002 ] Part icon regulatory.png Weak Constitutive promoter July 26 July 22, July 26
MP103 [ R0079] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.png promoter pLas (lasr & PAI regulated) July 26 July 23, July 26
MP104 [ R0040] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.png tetR repressible promoter July 26 July 23, July 26
MP105 [ S03154] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png B0034(rbs) ->LasI July 26
MP106 [ S03879] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png B0034(rbs) -> TetR July 26
MP107 [ C0079] in [ pSB2K3] Icon coding.png lasR activator with LVA Tag July 23
MP108 [ C0179] in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png lasR activator July 26 July 22, July 23, July 26
MP109 [ E0030] in [ pSB1AK3] Part icon reporter.png YFP July 26
MP110 [ E0040] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon reporter.png GFP July 26 July 23, July 26
MP111 [ E1010 ] in [ pSB2K3] Part icon reporter.png mRFP July 26 July 23, July 26
MP112 OmpR M571 Icon coding.png July 23
MP113 EnvZ I2815 Icon coding.png July 23
MP114 [ C0040] in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png tetR repressor July 23
MP115 [ pSB1A3] Icon plasmid.png July 23
MP116 [ pJ23100] in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.png Strong constitutive promoter in J61002 July 26
MP117 [ pJ23107] in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.png Medium constitutive promoter in J61002 July 26 July 24, July 26
MP118 [ B0015] in [ pSB1AK3] Part icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Double terminator July 26 July 24, July 26
MP119 [ I0500] in [ pSB2K3] Part icon regulatory.png AraC pBAD July 26 July 24, July 26
MP120 [ B0030] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.png Strong RBS (Efficiency = 0,6) July 26
MP121 [ E0422] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png ECFP (RBS+LVA+Double Term) July 26 July 24, July 26
MP122 [ E0840] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png gfp tri-part; strong rbs July 26
MP123 [ J61002] Icon plasmid.png August 5
MP124 L102 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.png Strong rbs - YFP
D129 (BV) - D118 (BI)
August 1
MP125 L103 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.png Strong rbs - mRFP
D129 (BV) - D122 (BI)
August 1
MP126 L104 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png Strong rbs - lasR activator
D129 (BV) - D114 (BI)
August 1
MP127 L105 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Strong promoter - ECFP
D123 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 1
MP128 L106 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Strong promoter - gfp Tripart
D123 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 1
MP129 L107 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Strong promoter - ECFP
D103 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 1
MP130 L108 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Strong promoter - gfp Tripart
D103 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 1
MP131 L110 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Medium promoter - gfp Tripart
D124 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 1
MP132 L111 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Weak promoter - ECFP
D104 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 1
MP133 L112 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Weak promoter - GFP tripart
D104 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 1
MP134 L115 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png pLas - ECFP
D105 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 1
MP135 L116 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png pLas - gfp Tripart
D105 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 1
MP136 L117 in [ pSB1AK3] Part icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png yfp - Double Terminator
D125 (FV) - D117 (FI)
August 1
MP137 L118 in [ pSB1AK3] Part icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png rfp - Double Terminator
D125 (FV) - D121 (FI)
August 1
MP138 L119 in [ pSB1AK3] Icon coding.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png lasR activator + LVA - Double Terminator
D125 (FV) - D113 (FI)
August 1
MP139 L121 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png pTet - gfp tripart
D106 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 1
MP140 L124 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.png Strongest RBS - rfp
D102 (BV) - D122 (BI)
August 1
MP141 L125 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.png Strongest RBS - yfp
D102 (BV) - D118 (BI)
August 1
MP142 [ pSB3K3] Icon plasmid.png August 8
MP143 [ E0240] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png gfp generator August 8
MP144 L128 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon reporter.png pFlgA-RFP
D132 (FI) - D136 (FV)
MP144.3 ; MP144.4 August 12
MP145 L129 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon reporter.png pFlgB-RFP
D133 (FI) - D136 (FV)
MP145.6 ; MP145.7 August 12
MP146 L130 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon reporter.png pFlhB-RFP
D134 (FI) - D136 (FV)
MP146.1 ; MP146.2 August 12
MP147 L100 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png rbs TetR - ECFP
D110 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 13
MP148 L101 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png rbs TetR - GFP tripart
D110 (BV) - D131 (BI)
MP148.2 ; MP148.3 August 13
MP149 L114 in [ pSB2K3] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png AracpBAD - gfp tripart
D126 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 13
MP150 L120 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png tetR repressible promoter - ECFP
D106 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 13
MP151 L122 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png RBS-lasI - ECFP
D107 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 13
MP152 L123 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png RBS lasI - gfp tripart
D107 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 13
MP153 L126 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png Strongest RBS (1)- LasR activator (+LVA)
D102 (BV) - D114 (BI)
MP153.1 ; MP153.3 August 13
MP154 L132 in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png flhDC
D142(FV) - D139(FI)
August 13
MP155 L133 in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png OmpR*
D142(FV) - D140(FI)
August 13
MP156 L134 in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png EnvZ*
D142(FV) - D141(FI)
August 13
MP157 L138 in [ pSB3K3] Icon rbs.pngIcon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png gfp generator (E0240)
D137(FV) - D138(FI)
August 13
MP158 L139 August 15
MP159 L141 August 15
MP160 L142 August 15

Digestion Products

(Legend: Vector, Insert) Ø

Digestion Products
Number Product Name Matrix Name Enzyme 1 Enzyme 2 Obs Size Matrix Size BB Description Product Left []ng/µL Date
D100.1 [ B0034] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 34 10 July 26
D100.2 [ B0034] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 34 10 July 26
D101 [ B0034] [ pSB1A2] EcoRI XbaI FV 2076 15 10 July 29
D102.1 [ B0034] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2077 14 10 July 26
D102.2 [ B0034] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2077 14 10 July 29
D103.1 [ J23101] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2100 883 10 July 26
D103.2 [ J23101] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2100 883 10 July 26
D104.1 [ J23109] [ J61002] SpeI PstI BV 2100 883 20 July 26
D104.2 [ J23109] [ J61002] SpeI PstI BV 2100 883 20 July 26
D105.1 [ R0079] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2222 14 5 July 26
D105.2 [ R0079] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2222 14 5 July 29
D106.1 [ R0040] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2119 14 8 July 26
D106.2 [ R0040] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2119 14 5 July 29
D107 [ S03154] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2750 14 5 July 26
D108.1 [ S03154] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 707 5 July 26
D108.2 [ S03154] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 707 5 July 29
D109 [ S03154] [ pSB1A2] EcoRI SpeI FI 2056 708 5 July 26
D110 [ S03879] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2768 14 20 July 26
D111.1 [ S03879] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 725 20 July 26
D111.2 [ S03879] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 725 20 July 29
D112 [ S03879] [ pSB1A2] EcoRI SpeI FI 2756 726 20 July 26
D113 [ C0079] [ pSB2K3] EcoRI SpeI FI 4402 779 20 July 26
D114 [ C0079] [ pSB2K3] XbaI PstI BI 4003 778 20 July 26
D115.1 [ C0179] [ pSB1A2] EcoRI SpeI FI 4402 746 - July 29
D115.2 [ C0179] [ pSB1A2] EcoRI SpeI FI 4402 746 - July 29
D116.1 [ C0179] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 4403 745 20 July 29
D116.1 [ C0179] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 4403 745 20 July 29
D117 [ E0030] [ pSB1AK3] EcoRI SpeI FI 3166 746 5 July 29
D118 [ E0030] [ pSB2K3] XbaI PstI BI 3167 745 20 July 26
D119 [ E0040] [ pSB1A2] EcoRI SpeI FI 2056 743 10 July 26
D120 [ E0040] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 742 10 July 26
D121 [ E1010] [ pSB2K3] EcoRI SpeI FI 4402 704 10 July 26
D122 [ E1010] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 4403 703 10 July 26
D123.1 [ J23100] [ J61002] SpeI PstI BV 2100 883 10 July 26
D123.2 [ J23100] [ J61002] SpeI PstI BV 2100 883 10 July 26
D124.1 [ J23107] [ J61002] SpeI PstI BV 2100 883 15 July 26
D124.2 [ J23107] [ J61002] SpeI PstI BV 2100 883 15 July 26
D125.1 [ B0015] [ pSB1AK3] EcoRI XbaI FV 3303 15 15 July 26
D125.2 [ B0015] [ pSB1AK3] EcoRI XbaI FV 3303 15 15 July 26
D126.1 [ I0500] [ pSB2K3] SpeI PstI BV 5621 14 10 July 26
D126.2 [ I0500] [ pSB2K3] SpeI PstI BV 5621 14 10 July 26
D127.1 [ B0030] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 37 10 July 26
D127.2 [ B0030] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 37 10 July 26
D128.1 [ B0030] [ pSB1A2] EcoRI XbaI FV 2079 15 10 July 29
D128.1 [ B0030] [ pSB1A2] EcoRI XbaI FV 2079 15 10 July 29
D129.1 [ B0030] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2080 14 10 July 29
D129.2 [ B0030] [ pSB1A2] SpeI PstI BV 2080 14 10 July 29
D130.1 [ E0422] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 939 10 July 26
D130.2 [ E0422] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 939 10 July 26
D130.3 [ E0422] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 939 10 July 26
D131.1 [ E0840] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 900 10 July 26
D131.2 [ E0840] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 900 10 July 26
D131.3 [ E0840] [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 900 10 July 26
D132 pFlgA - EcoRI SpeI FI - 250 5 August 6
D133 pFlgB - EcoRI SpeI FI - 250 5 August 6
D134 pFlhB - EcoRI SpeI FI - 249 5 August 6
D135 pFlhDC - EcoRI SpeI FI - problem August 6
D136 - [ J61002] EcoRI SpeI FV 2925 - August 6
D137 pSB3K3 [ pSB3K3] EcoRI SpeI FV 2727 - August 6
D138 E0240 [ pSB1A2] EcoRI SpeI FI 899 - August 6
D139 flhDC - EcoRI PstI FI - 972 August 6
D140 E040 rbs+ - PstI PstI I - August 12
D141 flhD RBS - - EcoRI SpeI FI - August 12
D142 flhC RBS - - EcoRI SpeI FI - August 12
D143 flhDC + promoter - EcoRI SpeI FI - August 12
D144 pSB3K3 [ pSB3K3] EcoRI SpeI FI - August 12
D145 pSB1A2 [ pSB1A2] EcoRI SpeI FI - August 12
D146 MP148 [ pSB1A2] XbaI PstI BI 2057 1609 rbs TetR - GFP tripart
D110 (BV) - D131 (BI)
Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png
August 15
D147 MP153 [ pSB1A2] EcoRI SpeI FI 2056 799 Strongest RBS (1)- LasR activator (+LVA)
D102 (BV) - D114 (BI)
Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png
August 15
D149 pfliL - EcoRI SpeI FI - August 14
D150 pfliL - XbaI PstI BI - August 14
D152 pSB3K3 [ pSB3K3] XbaI PstI BI - August 14
D153 PCR 138 - gène flhDC - EcoRI SpeI FI - August 15
D154 PCR 140 - gène flhDC - EcoRI SpeI FI - August 15
D155 PCR 139 - pflhDC (URI) - EcoRI SpeI FI - August 15
D158 MP 155.1 - OmpR* - XbaI PstI BI - August 15
D159 MP 156.1 - EnvZ* - XbaI PstI BI - August 15
D161 MP 104 - pTet - SpeI PstI FV - 39 August 16
D162 MP 114 - TetR - EcoRI SpeI FI - 11 August 16
D163 MP 143 - gfp generator - XbaI PstI BI - 14 August 16
D164 MP 101 - pJ23101 - SpeI PstI FV - 3 August 16

Strains (glycerol stock)

Strains glycerol stock
Number Name Biobricks Description Verified clone Date
S103 [ I0500] in [ pSB2K3] Part icon regulatory.png AraC pBAD July 23
S106 [ E0840] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png ECFP (RBS+LVA+ Double Term) July 23
S107 [ B0034] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.png Strongest RBS (Efficiency = 1) July 23
S108 [ R0079] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.png promoter pLas (lasr & PAI regulated) July 23
S109 [ J23101] in [ pJ61002 ] Part icon regulatory.png Strongest Constitutive promoter July 23
S110 [ J23109] in [ pJ61002 ] Part icon regulatory.png Weak Constitutive promoter July 23
S111 [ R0040] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.png tetR repressible promoter July 23
S112 [ S03154] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png B0034(rbs) ->LasI July 23
S113 [ S03879] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png B0034(rbs) -> TetR July 23
S114 [ C0079] in [ pSB2K3] Icon coding.png lasR activator with LVA Tag July 23
S115 [ C0179] in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png lasR activator July 23
S116 [ E0030] in [ pSB1AK3] Part icon reporter.png YFP July 23
S117 [ E0040] in [ pSB1A2] Part icon reporter.png GFP July 23
S118 [ E1010] in [ pSB2K3] Part icon reporter.png mRFP July 23
S119 OmpR M571 Icon coding.png July 23
S120 EnvZ I2815 Icon coding.png July 23
S121 [ C0040] in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png tetR repressor July 23
S122 [ pSB1A3] Icon plasmid.png July 23
S123 L102 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.png Strong rbs - YFP
D129 (BV) - D118 (BI)
Aug 1
S124 L103 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.png Strong rbs - mRFP
D129 (BV) - D122 (BI)
Aug 1
S125 L104 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png Strong rbs - lasR activator
D129 (BV) - D114 (BI)
Aug 1
S126 L105 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Strong promoter - ECFP
D123 (BV) - D130 (BI)
Aug 1
S127 L106 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Strong promoter - gfp Tripart
D123 (BV) - D131 (BI)
Aug 1
S128 L107 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Strongest promoter - ECFP
D103 (BV) - D130 (BI)
Aug 1
S129 L108 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Strong promoter - GFP tripart
D103 (BV) - D131 (BI)
Aug 1
S130 L110 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Medium promoter - gfp tripart
D124 (BV) - D131 (BI)
Aug 1
S131 L111 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Weak promoter - ECFP
D104 (BV) - D130 (BI)
Aug 1
S132 L112 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png Weak promoter - gfp Tripart
D104 (BV) - D131 (BI)
Aug 1
S133 L115 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon reporter.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png pLas - ECFP
D105 (BV) - D130 (BI)
Aug 1
S134 L116 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon reporter.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png pLas - gfp Tripart
D105 (BV) - D131 (BI)
Aug 1
S135 L117 in [ pSB1AK3] Part icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png yfp - Double Terminator
D125 (FV) - D117 (FI)
Aug 1
S136 L118 in [ pSB1AK3] Part icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png rfp - Double Terminator
D125 (FV) - D121 (FI)
Aug 1
S137 L119 in [ pSB1AK3] Icon coding.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png LasR activator + LVA - Double terminator
D125 (FV) - D113 (FI)
Aug 1
S138 L121 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png pTet - gfp Tripart
D106 (BV) - D131 (BI)
Aug 1
S139 L124 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.png Strongest rbs - mRFP
D102 (BV) - D122 (BI)
Aug 1
S140 L125 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.png Strongest rbs - yfp
D102 (BV) - D118 (BI)
Aug 1
S141 MG1655 Aug 7
S142 [ J61002] Icon plasmid.png Aug 7
S143 L128 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon reporter.png pFlgA-RFP
D132 (FI) - D136 (FV)
MP144.3 ; MP144.4 August 12
S144 L129 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon reporter.png pFlgB-RFP
D133 (FI) - D136 (FV)
MP145.6 ; MP145.7 August 12
S145 L130 in [ J61002] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon reporter.png pFlhB-RFP
D134 (FI) - D136 (FV)
MP146.1 ; MP146.2 August 12
S146 L100 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png rbs TetR - ECFP
D110 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 13
S147 L101 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png rbs TetR - GFP tripart
D110 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 13
S148 L114 in [ pSB2K3] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png AracpBAD - gfp tripart
D126 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 13
S149 L120 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png tetR repressible promoter - ECFP
D106 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 13
S150 L122 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png RBS-lasI - ECFP
D107 (BV) - D130 (BI)
August 13
S151 L123 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png RBS lasI - gfp tripart
D107 (BV) - D131 (BI)
August 13
S152 L126 in [ pSB1A2] Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.png Strongest RBS (1)- LasR activator (+LVA)
D102 (BV) - D114 (BI)
August 13
S153 L132 in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png flhDC
D142(FV) - D139(FI)
August 13
S154 L133 in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png OmpR*
D142(FV) - D140(FI)
August 13
S155 L134 in [ pSB1A2] Icon coding.png EnvZ*
D142(FV) - D141(FI)
August 13
S156 L138 in [ pSB3K3] Icon rbs.pngIcon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png gfp generator (E0240)
D137(FV) - D138(FI)
August 13
S157 August 15
S158 August 15
S159 L139 August 15
S160 L141 August 15
S161 L142 August 15