Team:Paris/August 6


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(Cloning of pflhDC)
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===Cloning of pflhDC===
===Cloning of pflhDC===
[Team:Paris/August_5#Electrophoresis Purification of PCR Yesterday]
[[Team:Paris/August_5#Electrophoresis Purification of PCR|Yesterday]] the isolation of pflhDC did not work : the PCR result measured more than 1.5 kb. We checked the primers, they are well designed but there is a sequence homology with other sequences in ''E.coli'' K12.
To amplify more precisely the promoter, we decided to do a PCR with gradient.
*10µL Phusion buffer 5X
*1µL dNTP
*2.5 µL Oligo F (O111) 10mM
*2.5 µL Oligo R (O113) 10mM
*1µL template DNA
*0.5µL Phusion polymerase
====PCR Program====
* LID : 105 °C
*1. T: 95°C    5min
*2. T: 95°C    5min
*3. T: 55°C    30s  ~>G: 5°C
*4. T: 72°C    1min30
*6. GO TO: 2 REP: 29
*7. HOLD: 10°C
[[Image:KR000113.jpg|thumb|PCR with gradient : amplification of pflhDC]]

Revision as of 18:47, 6 August 2008

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KR000109.jpg KR000110.jpg KR000113.jpg


Assay to clone different flagella gene promotors into the J61002 plasmid

We have to digest (by EcoRI and SpeI) the PCR products of yesterday (amplification of pFlgA (MP124), pFlgB (MP125), pFlhB (MP126) and pFlhDC (MP127) in order to clone them into the J61002 plasmid (that we must extract and then digest by EcoRI and SpeI).

Plasmid extraction

The J61002 plasmid was extracted from overnight bacteria culture using the QIAspin Miniprep Kit (QIAGEN).

  • Number of this plasmid extraction : MP123
  • Carried out 3 times (3 tubes)

Assay to quantify DNA

In order to quantify the DNA contained either in the Miniprep product of MP123 or in the PCR products of MP124, MP125, MP126 and MP127 previously purifed yesterday by the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit, we carried out an electrophoresis assay in a 1,5% agarose gel.

  • 5 µL of the sample
  • 1 µL of 6X blue loading dye
1 2 3 4 5 6
100 bp DNA ladder MP123 (J61002) MP124 PCR product (pFlgA) MP125 PCR product (pFlgB) MP126 PCR product (pFlhB) MP127 PCR product (pFlhDC)
Gel 080806.JPG

Results : The MP123 plasmid is clearly visible but the PCR products (purified by QIAquick Gel Extraction) aren't. There might be a problem during the purification step using the QIAquick Gel Extraction. Whatever, we still go on with the digestion.

Besides the MP123 sample (J61002 plasmid) was quantified using a Bio Photometer (Eppendorf).

Name concentration A280/A260
MP123 (J61002) 120 µg/mL 1,69


For each sample (MP123 and PCR products of MP124, MP125, MP126 and MP127):

  • 10 µL of DNA (Miniprep eluate or PCR products)
  • 12,5 µL water
  • 2,5 µL buffer 2
  • 0,25 µL BSA
  • 1 µL EcoRI

Incubation 1h30 at 37°C
Incubation 1h30 more after adding 1 µL of SpeI
Electrophoresis of the digested J61002 plasmid
Excision, dissolution and purification of the band of interest using the Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System (Promega).
Purification of the digested PCR products using the same kit.

Analysis of the purified digested DNA:

  • band 1 : ladder 1kb 10µL
  • band 2 : D136 4µL + 1µL Loading dye

gel 2 : D136

=> Concentration : +/- 12ng/4µL -> 3ng/µL



For each samples,

  • 1 µl Ligase
  • X µl Vector
  • Y µl Insert (3x more than vector)
  • 2 µl Ligase Buffer 10x
  • 20 µl qsp H2O
  • Incubates O/N at 4°C (in the fridge)

List of ligations

Name Vector Insert Antibio Vol. vector (µl) Vol. insert (µl) Vol. H20 (µl)
L128 D136 D132 A 5 5 7
L129 D136 D133 A 5 5 7
L130 D136 D134 A 5 5 7
L131 D136 D135 A 5 5 7
Control D136 - A 5 - 6

Cloning of pflhDC

Yesterday the isolation of pflhDC did not work : the PCR result measured more than 1.5 kb. We checked the primers, they are well designed but there is a sequence homology with other sequences in E.coli K12. To amplify more precisely the promoter, we decided to do a PCR with gradient.


  • 10µL Phusion buffer 5X
  • 1µL dNTP
  • 2.5 µL Oligo F (O111) 10mM
  • 2.5 µL Oligo R (O113) 10mM
  • 1µL template DNA
  • 0.5µL Phusion polymerase

PCR Program


  • LID : 105 °C
  • 1. T: 95°C 5min
  • 2. T: 95°C 5min
  • 3. T: 55°C 30s ~>G: 5°C
  • 4. T: 72°C 1min30
  • 6. GO TO: 2 REP: 29
  • 7. HOLD: 10°C


PCR with gradient : amplification of pflhDC