Team:Paris/September 4


Revision as of 18:13, 16 September 2008 by Fanny.c (Talk | contribs)

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Construction of rbs-TetR-mRFP-LVA-tripart (L173)

Part icon rbs.pngIcon coding.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png

PCR Screening of L173 transformants

Transformation results (rbs-TetR in mRFP-LVA-tripart-pSB1A3)

Ligation L173

  • insert: D112 (ES) rbs-TetR
  • vector: D187 (EX) mRFP-LVA-tripart-pSB1A3
Sample positive control
negative control
no DNA
ligation control
(without insert)
L173 (3:1 ratio) L173 (4:1 ratio)
Number of colonies many 1 0 2 0

PCR Screening

PCR screening

PCR screening programm

  • elongation tim: 2 min
  • primers used: O18 & O19
  • positive PCR control: S158 (pSB3K3)
  • negative PCR control: no template
Well n° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample 1 kb
DNA ladder
positive PCR
negative PCR
negative transformation
control clone
L173.1 L173.2 100 bp
DNA ladder
Expected size 1894 bp
Measured size 1,2 kb 1,2 kb

Results: the clones are not correct.


Digestion n° DNA substrat Digestion by
D112 MP106: S03879 (rbs-TetR) in pSB1A2 EcoRI & SpeI

  • 5 µL of DNA
  • 3 µL of 10X buffer n°2
  • 0,3 µL 100X BSA
  • 1 µL of EcoRI
  • 1 µL of SpeI
  • 19,7 µL of water

Incubation 2h30 at 37°C and then 20 min at 65°C.
Not purified yet. Put at -20°C.

Construction of pFlhB-mRFP-LVA-tripart & pFliL-ECFP-LVA-tripart

Part icon regulatory.pngPart icon rbs.pngPart icon reporter.pngPart icon terminator.pngPart icon terminator.png

  • L183 = pFlhB - mRFP LVA+
  • L184 = pFliL - ECFP LVA+
  • L185 = pFliL - ECFP LVA-



Ligation Name Vector Name Volume Vector (µL) Insert Volume Insert (µL)
L183 D187 D
L184 D198 D - L185 D199 D