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Construction for Synchronization
Transformation of the ligations we did yesterday
Ligation Name
| Description
| Antibio
| D125 (FV) + D109 (FI)
| Kan
Control L159
| D125
| Kan
| D107 (BV) + D163 (BI)
| Amp
Control L162
| D107
| Amp
| D110 (BV) + D163 (BI)
| Amp
Control L163
| D110
| Amp
Construction of pFlgA - GFP Generator
Aim : Construction of "pFlgA-RBS-GFP-dbl ter" (pFlgA-E0240)
Ligation name
| Description
| Antibio
| Number Colonies observed
| Fluorescence
| Comments
| D168(FV) - D132(FI) pFlgA - gfp generator
| Amp
| 125
| No
| ok
| D168(FV)
| Amp
| 8
| No
| ok
Positive Control
| pUC19
| Amp
| 2000 (efficiency 2.10^8)
| No
| OK
=> Need to screen to know which clones we can use for the of pFlgA promotor characterization.
Cloning of EnvZ*
The sequencing of EnvZ* previously cloned, revealed a loss of about 300 bp. EnvZ* contains indeed an EcoRI restriction site within its sequence. So we can't use this enzyme during the cloning.
| sample
| digestion
| digestion number
| PCR129 from August 8th
| XbaI & PstI
| D159
| MP108 (C0179 (lasR-pSB1A2))
| XbaI & PstI
| D116
Reaction mixture
- 4 µL of PCR129 (or 2 µL of MP108)
- 3 µL of 10X buffer n°2
- 0,3 µL of 100X BSA
- 1 µL of XbaI
- 1 µL of PstI
- 20,7 µL (or 22,7 µL) of water
Incubation at 37°C during 2H25, and then ~20 min at 65°C
1% agarose gel
- EnvZ*: 3 µL of digestion products + 1 µL of loading blue + 2 µL of water
- pSB1A2: 30 µL of digestion products + 6 µL of loading blue
well n°
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 1 kb DNA ladder
| D159 (EnvZ*)
| nothing
| D116 (pSB1A2 & lasR)
| nothing
| 100 bp DNA ladder
expected size
| 1421 bp
| 2057 bp & 707 bp
measured size
| 1,4 kb
| 2 kb & 0.7 kb
- EnvZ*: digestion product purified directly by Qiagen kit
- pSB1A2: excision of the band (2 kb) from the gel and purification by the Qiaquick Gel Extraction kit
elution in 30 µL of buffer EB
then kept at - 20°C
Promoter characterization plasmids
Transformation results: ligations from August 21th
Top 10 cells were used
Ligation name
| Vector digestion
| Vector description
| Insert digestion
| Insert description
| Product description
| Antibiotic
| Number of colonies
| D164
| J23101 promoter
| D163
| gfp generator
| J23101 promoter-gfp generator
| Amp
| 0
| D161
| pTet promoter
| D163
| gfp generator
| pTet promoter-gfp generator
| Kana
| 0
Control L156
| D161
| none
| Vector autoligation control
| Kana
| 1
| D125.2
| B0015
| D162
| tetR
| tetR-B0015
| Kana
| 1
Control L157
| D125.2
| none
| Vector autoligation control
| Kana
| 0
| D185
| RBS B0032
| D182
| tetR
| RBS B0032 - tetR
| Amp
| 68
Control L166
| D185
| none
| Vector autoligation control
| Amp
| 49
| D181
| pTet
| D184
| gfp generator
| gfp generator - pTet
| Amp
| 1
Screening of the cloning of pFlgA-YFP Tripart (LVA+/-)
Gel n° 1
well n°
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12
| 13
| 14
| 15
| 16
| 1kb ladder
| don't matter
| L160.1
| L160.2
| L160.3
| L160.4
| L160.5
| L160.6
| L160.7
| L160.8
expected size (pb)
| 1 200
measured size (pb)
Gel n° 2
well n°
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12
| 13
| 14
| 15
| 16
| L161.1
| 1kb ladder
| L161.2
| L161.3
| don't matter
expected size (pb)
| 1 167
| 1 167
measured size (pb)
Minipreps and glycerol stock
| Glycerol Stock
| Ligation
| Name
| S1
| L160
| FlgA-rbs-YFP-dbl ter
| S1
| L161
| FlgA-rbs-YFP-LVA+-dbl ter